You Remember...
are about being reaquainted with old friends and remembering the
past. A great way to bring back some of those memories is to dust
off that old yearbook and start flipping through the pages.
exactly why we decided to create a section totally dedicated to
the yearbook. The following pages are a virtual representation of
the actual 1961 Yearbook. Select a link below to begin browsing.
We have an ongoing effort to locate all of our classmates. If you know the email, phone number or address, of a classmate that is not marked in the "status" column as Found or Found (BD), please email the information to us at Please include your name, married as well as maiden, if applicable in the email.
The "status" column will say "Found" or "Found (BD)".
The "contribution" column will say Yes that indicates a voluntary contribution has been made to our organization by this classmate. Keep checking the site for newly found members and other exciting news.
Status = Found: We have located this classmate
Status = Found (BD): We have been advised that this classmate is beleived to be deceased
Contribution = Yes This classmate has made a volintary contribution of $5.00 or more to our organization.